Modern homeowners have come to rely on a variety of gadgets and devices each day. While these items can provide entertainment and convenience, they often rely on non-renewable energy sources to provide them with the power needed to operate properly. This reliance on non-renewable energy can be detrimental to the environment. Fortunately, you have options when it comes to your home’s energy sources.
Here are three clean energy solutions you should consider implementing into your daily life in the future:…
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Many homeowners are deciding to add solar panels to their home to go green and save on electricity. South Miami has even made it mandatory that newly constructed homes have solar panels installed. Solar panels are no longer a fad, but a practical way to power your home.
However, getting solar panels is not as easy as it seems. Here are things you should do before you decide to have solar panels installed.…
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Whether you simply choose to live life on your homestead off-grid, are preparing for a worst-case SHTF scenario, or just want to always be certain you can take care of your family’s needs, there are a few basics you should have. Here is a look at the top three:
Portable Solar Generator
Even for families who have gone back to the basics and live a pretty simple life, it’s pretty difficult to eliminate the need for electricity 100 percent.…
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Paralleling switchgear are boxes with multiple switches and readout gauges that control generators and power sources. Where you may be tempted to go without these devices and just let generators do their thing, you should know that you would be wasting energy in the process. Installing the latest in technology with regards to paralleling switchgear provides you with all of the following benefits.
Control Power Usage
Imagine having all that power of industrial generators and being able to control it.…
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